Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Week 5 EOC: Social Networks and Job Hunting

Facebook is starting a relatively new thing that is similar to a job board but many say it may rival other job boards.  "Facebook's use as a job-recruitment tool remains small, but its appeal may be growing." The Wall Street Journal, Recruiters Troll Facebook for Candidates They Like by Joe Light.  In focus groups, many people felt the new service was invasive.  "Indeed, Jeff Vijungco, vice president of world-wide talent acquisition for Adobe Systems Inc., said that in focus groups, prospective job candidates were sharply averse to being contacted through Facebook for jobs.  'The antibodies kicked in pretty quickly. They thought it was very invasive,' he said."  The Wall Street Journal, Recruiters Troll Facebook for Candidates They Like by Joe Light.

On a similar note, brand ambassadors are being chosen for Sony.  "For the ambassadors, it’s often a labor of love more than a paying job. Rewards include product samples, gifts, discounts, and token cash payments."  Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation, 10th Edition, Chapter 5 (15).  Brand ambassadors may be used to jump-start launches for new products.  "Out of 2,000 or more online applicants, Sony picked only 25 brand ambassadors." Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation, 10th Edition, Chapter 5 (15).  Being online has it's advantages, although few won't embrace it.  The advantages are astronomical in that many opportunities are presented on websites, social networks, etc.  "The brand ambassador approach has its critics. For example, some view the practice as underhanded or deceptive. However, to avoid charges of deception, most firms advise their ambassadors to openly reveal that they are representatives. Others worry that brand ambassadors will be perceived as hucksters who promote products because they get free stuff—or, worse, as annoying evangelists best avoided."  Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation, 10th Edition, Chapter 5 (15).

Skeptics may have their views but creative people get the advantage in receiving jobs, brand ambassador opportunities, and many other great life experiences!

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